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quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009

Conspiração para 2012

Este texto é de David Morrison, um "NASA astrobiologist and expert scientist" que fala aqui sobre o aumento do receio do fim do mundo em 2012 e do novo filme "2012" e seu lado negativo:

Unbeknownst to most of us, a small but vocal group of conspiracy theorists is convinced that a rogue planet is about to enter the inner solar system and doom the Earth.

They say that this threatening planet on a 3600-year orbit was discovered by the ancient Mesopotamians, who named it Nibiru, and it was known also to the Mayans, who associated it with the end of their calendar "long count" in December 2012. In Web sites, blogs, and radio talk shows, they insist that NASA is tracking Nibiru -- but that this information is being kept from the public as part of a worldwide conspiracy.

They say the official silence can't be maintained for much longer, however, because by 2009 Nibiru will be visible to the naked eye from the southern hemisphere. They also say Earth's axis is already tilting and the length of the day is changing under its influence. As one believer recently wrote to me, "Why are you lying. It's coming, and everyone knows it."

I began to receive questions about this bizarre story in December 2007 through NASA's "Ask an Astrobiologist" site. Normally I receive up to a dozen questions per week from the public, dealing mostly with life in the universe -- but in the past 6 months the Nibiru traffic alone has grown to 20-25 messages a week, ranging from the anguished "I can't sleep," "I am really scared" or "I don't want to die" to the abusive "you are putting my family at risk" and "if NASA denies it then it must be true."

As a scientist, I'm both fascinated and astonished by the deluge of questions from people who are genuinely frightened and, apparently, unable to distinguish astronomical fact from fiction. They're watching YouTube videos and visiting slick Web sites with nothing in their skeptical toolkit, or to quote Carl Sagan no "baloney detector." Now a blockbuster disaster film called "2012" is set for release in the summer of 2009, and the commercial enterprise is clearly trying to cash in on people's concern (perhaps contributing to their fear as well).

My guess is that only a tiny fraction of people truly believes that Armageddon is coming in December 2012. But their uncritical acceptance of this story worries me as a warning of the dangers of our current scientific illiteracy.

We're facing monumental problems with global warming and loss of habitat, yet a substantial minority of Americans thinks the world was formed less than 10,000 years ago and deny that evolution is possible. Many Americans seem to prefer coal-fired generators to nuclear power plants without realizing the toll in public health that coal imposes. Billions are spent, including tax-payer dollars, for so-called alternative medicine with no scientific evidence for its efficacy. And legislators often resist efforts to collect the data that could actually demonstrate which government programs are effective and which ones don't work as intended.

In spite of my frustrations, I can always hope that Nibiru will turn into a teaching moment. Its proponents are convinced that it will be visible to the unaided eye this coming spring, and its effects on the rotation and orbit of the Earth will be obvious by summer (just in time for the release of the film "2012"). When none of this happens, I hope they'll realize that they need better tools to distinguish fact from fiction.

5 comentários:

  1. Ainda aí muita gente doida com isto...
    Já se sabe há que séculos desta possibilidade, mas surgiu este filme, anda aí gente muito preocupada desde então...

  2. Mas realmente,tal como no artigo diz, vai cada vez piorar, e quem acredita puderá mesmo fazer coisas estupidas como aqueles de 1999 que se mataram... esperemos que não...

  3. Pá pelo texto, os efeitos da aproximação à órbita da Terra do tal planeta Nibiru já serão visíveis neste momento em algumas partes do Mundo... Mas claro àparte isso, mais preocupante é também o aquecimento global que não pára... portanto isso aliado a outros eventos, podem realmente provocar o medo do fim do mundo... mas é preciso é viver um dia de cada vez! Quando a nossa hora chegar, que vá tudo com o caralho! eu já tenho lugar reservado fora daqui eh eh

  4. Vais para o paraíso dos porcos!

  5. Essa ta boa... tens lugar reservado aonde crlh?
