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quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

Estes ETs devem de estar loucos!!

Hoje trago vos duas histórias muito engraçadas na qual vos quero mostrar que os extraterrestres andam loucos! Primeira história, um condutor na Grã-Bretanha, para se safar de uma multa por ter andado numa linha de "Bus", disse que estava a tentar se salvar de uma captura feita por ETs, na Segunda História uma casal de 16 e 18 anos, para se justificar de um acidente que danificou por completo o carro, disseram que o carro onde estavam, foi elevado para o céu por ETs que depois simplesmente o deixaram cair... mais palavras para que:

"The story tops a colourful catalogue of tall tales drivers have used to avoid traffic fines in the UK borough of Southwark.
Another driver said he couldn’t be held accountable for parking against double lines as he was asleep in the back of his car at the time. Many more said they didn’t even know what road markings were for.
One driver claimed he could park anywhere he liked, as long as it was raining, while countless others blamed parking against yellow double lines on their colour-blindness. UK line markings have the same meaning regardless of colour.
The news comes as the UK’s Southwark Council introduces a new online service to handle appeals against parking infringements. The new website allows drivers 72 hours to contest their fine. Appeals were previously managed by post.
The man being chased by the UFO was fined £120 (AUD$200) after council CCTV cameras failed to corroborate his story.
Last year, Southwark Council issued more than £6 million (AUD$9.96 million) in parking fines."

"Two New Hampshire teenagers sitting in a parked car were approached by a black-colored UFO in Laconia on March 20, 2010, lifted into the air and then dropped back onto pavement 180 feet away, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.
MUFON New England State Director Steve Firmani confirmed his investigation of the case today by telephone and said witness interviews had been completed.
The 18-year-old girl and 16-year-old boy both offer testimony about their encounter.
The two used the girl's mother's car and went to a Laconia destination that has not been released"We were just sitting there and I looked up at the moon," the female witness stated. "I saw this weird black-shaped object. And then, I said to my boyfriend, 'What was that?'” 
 Both accounts describe the same events. They saw an object coming toward them from the sky and began to panic. When they attempted to drive away, the car they were operating was lifted up off the ground. Both describe an odd smell during the incident.When the car hit the pavement 180 feet away, the windshield cracked and the air bags deployed.
Firmani said there was no damage to the body of the car, but that there was about $5,000 damage to the underside of the car."

4 comentários:

  1. Esta gente só internada no Magalhães Lemos...

  2. Lol, isto para evitar ums multas ou umas justificações para os Pais, tem de arranjar desculpas... mas ao menos que sejam logicas! ETs? loool

  3. Lol bem que comédia! Então a chover estacionam onde querem? E não sabem para que servem as linhas do chão?! eh eh!Que condutores de trazer por casa! Mas o homem teve azar, o raio das câmaras comprovaram que afinal não havia OVNI nenhum senão até podia ser mesmo verdade!
    Em todo caso vou começar a consultar o dito site criado para contestar multas, e anotar as melhores para apresentar posteriormente caso seja multado!

    Quanto à 2ª história, bem ainda é mais hilariante! Para que raio os ET's se davam ao trabalho de elevar um carro no ar e depois deixá-lo simplesmente cair? Para quê? Mostrar poderes?! acho que cá pra mim tiveram mas é a fumar uns valentes charros e ficaram a ver coisas!

  4. Eu cá acho, e o proprio titulo indica, os ETs devem de estar loucos!
