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quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010

Evolução Natural dos Satélites...

Bem, para hoje cá vos trago uma noticia particularmente interessante para Automobilistas... A Evolução Natural dos Satélites, ou seja, Satélites que detectam a velociidade dos carros e dão a info para a policia para que? Para umas multinhas... eh eh... Este novo projecto esta a ser testado na Grã Bretanha, mas não se admirem que dentro de uns tempos termos isto em Portugal! Como sempre, aqui o nosso Blog na frente em termos de novidades! E aqui fica a noticia:

"The cameras, which combine number plate reading technology with a global positioning satellite receiver, are similar to those used in roadworks.
The AA said it believed the new system could cover a network of streets as opposed to a straight line, and was “probably geared up to zones in residential areas.”

The Home Office is testing the cameras at two sites, one in Southwark, London, and the other A374 between Antony and Torpoint in Cornwall.
The `SpeedSpike’ system, which calculates average speed between any two points in the network, has been developed by PIPS Technology Ltd, an American-owned company with a base in Hampshire.
Details of the trials are contained in a House of Commons report. The company said in its evidence that the cameras enabled "number plate capture in all weather conditions, 24 hours a day". It also referred to the system's "low cost" and ease of installation.
The system could be used for "main road enforcement for congestion reduction and speed enforcement", and could help to "eliminate rat-runs" and cut speeds outside schools, it added. It could also reduce the need for speed humps.
The development of speed cameras has raised concerns about expanding state surveillance.
The Home Office said it was unable to comment on the trials because of "commercial confidentiality".
The AA said it would watch the system “carefully” but it did not believe there was anything sinister. “It is a natural evolution of the technology that is out there,” a spokesman said."

2 comentários:

  1. Ovídio que ainda esta em fase experimental e que ainda não precisamos de ter "medo" dele, mas ficamos já a ter conhecimento de que praticamente tudo serve para nos lixar... eh eh

  2. bem interessante e claro faz sentido até, a tecnologia GPS já está bem amadurecida e tem muitas utilidades... esta pode não ser particularmente bem vista mas claro serve para manter o pé "levezinho" no acelarador!
