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quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2010

Papa pede aos Padres: Bloguem!!!

Após decadas de rejeição em relação as novas tecnologias, parece que finalmente o Vaticano viu algum proveito na internet...

"For God's sake, blog! Pope Benedict told priests on Saturday, saying they must learn to use new forms of communication to spread the gospel message.
In his message for the Roman Catholic Church's World Day of Communications, the pope, who is 82 and known not to love computers or the internet, acknowledged priests must make the most of the "rich menu of options" offered by new technology.
"Priests are thus challenged to proclaim the Gospel by employing the latest generation of audiovisual resources -- images, videos, animated features, blogs, websites -- which, alongside traditional means, can open up broad new vistas for dialogue, evangelization and catechesis," he said.
Priests, he said, had to respond to the challenge of "today's cultural shifts" if they wanted to reach young people.
But Benedict warned priests not to strive to become stars of new media. "Priests present in the world of digital communications should be less notable for their media savvy than for their priestly heart," he said.
After decades of being wary of new media, the Vatican has decided to dive in head first.
Last year, a new Vatican website, www.pope2you.net, went live, offering one application called "The pope meets you on Facebook", and another allowing the faithful to see the pope's speeches and messages on their iPhones or iPods.
Benedict still writes most of his speeches by hand in German and it is younger aides who manage his forays into cyberspace.
The Vatican got egg on its face last year when the pope admitted that, if the Church had surfed the web more, it might have known that a traditionalist bishop whose excommunication was lifted had for years been a Holocaust denier."

4 comentários:

  1. Qualquer dia, vem cá um padre comentar...

  2. é provável quanto mais não seja pela quantidade de notícias "paranormais" que por cá andam! mas acho bem, a Igreja tem de se adaptar aos novos tempos, e expandir os seus horizontes senão vai ficando "para trás"! Mas têm dado bons passos, numa mensagem recente qualquer do Papa, pelo Natal acho, o Papa usou o YouTube para transmitir essa mensagem! E já vão usando o Twiter e tudo! às tantas nem é preciso sair de casa para ir à missa!

  3. Pronto, já vi de onde veio a ideia de se fazer um blogue...

  4. Acho be, ai o Padinho é o que precisa, de um padre a ver se ele perde a vontade de prociar que ele tem... e que melhor maneira de o apanhar se não pela internet! boa jogada Papa!
